Friday, March 18, 2005

Top Priority: Stop Murders of Unborn Babies

1. Unborn babies are human beings, just like you and me, only younger and less developed (just as most of us are younger and less developed than my 93 year old grandmother.)
2. Murder is the killing of an innocent human being.
3. Abortion is the murder of human beings known as unborn babies.
4. In our democratic republic, "we the people" are responsible for our government's actions and laws.
5. About 4000 unborn babies are murdered almost daily in our country.
6. About 45,000,000 unborn babies have been murdered since abortion-murder was legalized by our government in 1973.
7. We the people must save unborn babies' lives beginning now. We the people must right our wrongs.
8. If we do not, we stand judged before a Holy G_d.
9. Internationally, Abortion is a crisis whose magnitude has never been witnessed before on planet earth.


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